XIX. mendeko euskal gramatikagintzari buruzko ikerketak
This PhD thesis deals with eight issues in the History of 19th-Century Basque Grammaticography. The work undertaken is within the area of Linguistic Historiography; and more exactly, it deals with the history of grammatical ideas about the Basque language.
This dissertation has two main parts: Chapters 1 through 5 examine the work of several 19th-century bascologists (Astarloa, Humboldt, Darrigol, Bonarparte, and van Eys). Chapters 6 through 8 introduce the analyses that some grammatical topics received throughout the Basque grammatical tradition, mainly in the 19th century (the identification of the article, the so-called "unique verb" theory, and verb-object agreement).
This dissertation has two main parts: Chapters 1 through 5 examine the work of several 19th-century bascologists (Astarloa, Humboldt, Darrigol, Bonarparte, and van Eys). Chapters 6 through 8 introduce the analyses that some grammatical topics received throughout the Basque grammatical tradition, mainly in the 19th century (the identification of the article, the so-called "unique verb" theory, and verb-object agreement).
Doktorego tesi hau XIX. mendeko euskal gramatikagintzaren historiari buruzko zortzi ikerlanez osaturik dago eta Hizkuntzalaritzaren Historiografiaren esparruan kokatzen da, zehazkiago euskararen inguruko gramatika-ideien historian.
Ikerketa honek bi atal nagusi ditu: alde batetik, 1-5 kapituluetan XIX. mendeko zenbait euskalariren lanak aztertzen dira (Astarloa, Humboldt, Darrigol, Bonaparte eta van Eys) eta, bestetik, 6-8 kapituluetan gramatika-gai batzuek euskal tradizioan zehar, batik bat XIX. mendean zehar, izan zituzten analisiak aurkezten dira (artikuluaren identifikazioa, “aditz bakarraren” teoria eta objektu-komunztadura).
Ikerketa honek bi atal nagusi ditu: alde batetik, 1-5 kapituluetan XIX. mendeko zenbait euskalariren lanak aztertzen dira (Astarloa, Humboldt, Darrigol, Bonaparte eta van Eys) eta, bestetik, 6-8 kapituluetan gramatika-gai batzuek euskal tradizioan zehar, batik bat XIX. mendean zehar, izan zituzten analisiak aurkezten dira (artikuluaren identifikazioa, “aditz bakarraren” teoria eta objektu-komunztadura).