Conference Papers Politique linguistique et enseignement des Langues de France Toulouse 26-27 mai 2005 Year : 2009

Ecart entre connaissance et usage d'une langue minoritaire : essai de typologie des facteurs. Le cas de la langue basque


It is well-known that the knowledge of a dominated language does not have automatically as a corollary its use in the everyday life, out of the place of learning. There is a more or less large gap between the knowledge and the use of the minority language. In the first time, this variation is illustrated through various investigations which were carried out in Basque Country where the Basque language teaching largely developed during these thirty last years, especially in Basque Country of Spain (Hegoaldea or Southern Basque Country). In the second time, one lists the various factors which induce this variation, factors which make that a minority speaker of language uses or not this language, so then working out the draft of a typology of those. The taking into account will be dynamic since the impact of these factors evolves/moves constantly in a given context with the statute of the considered language, the place of this language in the society and with the situation of the speaker himself. One concludes the reflection by proposing a diagram of these factors in the form of concentric circles, with in the center the potential speaker.
Hizkuntza gutxitu baten ezagutzak bere erabilera ez duela eguneroko bizian automatikoki eragiten ezagutua da, zalantzarik gabe, ikaskuntzaren gunetik kanpo. Eremu urriko hizkuntzaren ezagutzaren eta erabileraren arteko desbiderapen bat bada. Lehenik, desbiderapen hori Euskal Herrian eginikako inkesta desberdin batzuen bidez erakutsia da, azken hogeita hamar urte hoietan euskararen irakaskuntza azkarki garatu dela jakinez, bereziki Hego Euskal Herrian (Espainiako Euskal Herrian). Bigarrenik, desbiderapen horren eragileak zerrendatzen dira, hiztunak eremu urriko hizkuntza erabilten ala ez eragiten duten eragileak, hoien tipologiaren zirriborroa egiteko helburuarekin. Kontuan hartzea dinamikoa izanen da eragile hoien inpaktua denbora orotan aldatzen baita testuinguru eman baten, hizkuntzaren estatutuaren arabera, gizartean hizkuntzaren lekuaren arabera eta hiztun beraren egoeraren arabera. Hausnarketa hau bururatzen dugu eragile hoien eskema bat proposatuz, zirkulu batzuen bidez eraikia, ahalezko hiztuna erdiko zirkuluan kokatzen delarik.
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artxibo-00000006 , version 1 (30-05-2005)
artxibo-00000006 , version 2 (16-12-2005)
artxibo-00000006 , version 3 (28-04-2008)


  • HAL Id : artxibo-00000006 , version 3


Jean-Baptiste Coyos. Ecart entre connaissance et usage d'une langue minoritaire : essai de typologie des facteurs. Le cas de la langue basque. Politique linguistique et enseignement des langues de France, May 2005, Toulouse, France. pp.103-119. ⟨artxibo-00000006v3⟩
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