Euskal literaturaren historia. Eredu berrituaren aurkezpen historiografikoa
The first general essays on the History of Basque Literature were written after the 2nd World War. Most historians (e.g. K. Michelena, 1960, Historia de la literatura vasca) took "Literary history" as the methodological model, and they transferred the usual national "pattern", which was predominant throughout Europe by that time, to the Basque sphere. At the time of the structuralists, literary history was severely criticised. The new theoretical and methodological developments (social sciences, text production, etc.) in the 1970s and 1980s were adapted to Basque literature (I. Sarasola, Euskal literaturaren historia, 1971; J.M. Torrealdai, Euskal idazleak gaur, 1977). Since then, researchers in the field have revised the history of Basque literature by taking into consideration the main works that have appeared over the last thirty years (B. Atxaga, R. Saizarbitoria, etc.) and also by drawing attention to the tremendous change these works have brought to bear on the level of Basque literary creation. The historiographical model developed over forty years appears to have created a "consensus" in the university, in the world of the school, and on the level of society as a whole, even though some writers and researchers living abroad challenge the new fixed model
Euskal Literaturaren Historiari buruzko lehen saio orokorrrak bigarren gerlatik landa idatziak izan dira. Historialari gehienek (adb. K. Michelena, 1960, Historia de la literatura vasca) "Historia literarioa" hartu zuten eredu metodologikotzat eta Europa guzian ordurako nagusitua zen ohizko "patroi" nazionala erakarri zuten euskal eremura. Estrukturalisten garaian, historia literarioa gogorki kritikatua izan zen. 70-eko eta 80-eko hamarkadetan izan ziren berriztapen teorikoak eta metodologikoak (giza zientziak, testugintza, etb.) euskal literaturari egokitu ziren (I. Sarasola, Euskal literaturaren historia, 1971; J.M. Torrealdai, Euskal idazleak gaur, 1977). Ordutik hona, saileko ikerleek euskal literaturaren historia berritu dute kontutan hartuz azken hogeitahamar urte hauetan agertu diren obra nagusiak (B. Atxaga, R. Saizarbitoria, etb.) baita ere agerian emanez euskarazko sorkuntza literario mailan obra horiek eragin duten aldaketa paragabea. Badirudi, berrogei bat urtez garatutako eredu historiografikoak "consensus" bat sortu duela unibertsitatean, eskolaren munduan, baita ere, oro har, gizarte mailan, nahiz zenbat idazlek eta kanpoan bizi diren ikerle batzuek modelo finkatu berria eztabaidatzen duten.
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