Lazarragaren perfektibo zaharrari lehen hurbilketa
This is a first approach to Lazarraga's old perfective. Our goal has been to describe the perfective form's morphology. Then, we tried to explain the semantics and use of those forms by Lazarraga. We have analyzed a manuscript in which we can see a transition period between the old perfective and the new perfective in Basque; a period who has both new and old perfective forms, so we tried to discover which is the appearing context of each one.
Lazarragaren perfektibo zaharrerako lehen hurbilketa da hau. Gure helburua perfektibo formen morfologia deskribatzea izan da. Gero, forma horien semantika eta erabilera Lazarragak nola egiten duen azaltzen saiatu gara. Aztertu dugun eskuizkribuan euskal perfektibo zahar eta berriaren arteko trantsizio garai baten isla dugu: perfektibo berri zein zaharreko formak dituen garaia, beraz, bata zein bestearen agerpen eremua zein den asmatzen saiatu gara.