T. Bardoze and . Easternmost, In Low Navarre (Behe-Nafarroa), there are 60 translations of type I, only one of type II (in Aincille-Ain tzila), and 6 of type III (two in the territory of Arbone/Arberoa, 3 in the Pays de Mixe/Amikuze, and one in the Pays de Cize/ Garazi) As we turn to Soule-Zuberoa, the situation is dramatically different: there are 18 translations of type III, almost as many as of type I (21)

. 59-therefore, izate(ke): only pünitürik hizate(ke) is really attested. 60 Context: 'Donnez-moi ce que je dois avoirGive me what I'm entitled to.' 61 There does exist a verb nahitu «to have come to desire» for which both a perfective use (with an inflected auxiliary) and an imperfective use (nahitzen) are attested. Therefore, the expected prospective would be nahituko; it follows that nahiko must be analyzed differently, probably as an elliptical form of nahi izan/ukan + the prospective suffix. 62 The enormous proportion of type I translations is probably due to the idiomatic character of the future tense in the French expression in the text

. Zub and . Vs, the other dialects no doubt reflects the contrasting figures obtained in case (b), the future pas- sive

G. Rebuschi, A deontic future: 'Il faudra que tu chantes toi aussi' 'You will have to sing too' ( § 9) [No counterpart in Lk

. Nafarroa, /. Soule, and . Zuberoa, Thus, all the direct translations are of type II in the first two groups of dialects, in which neither type I nor type III are used. In the third province, on the contrary, there are only 9 translations of type II, but 18 of type I, and 7 of type III. (e) A potential future: 'Vous pourrez aussi prendre des coqs?

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. Soule, Arbailles-Arbaila) in Coyos (1999: 245). 64 The other translation from Espelette has type II

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