This paper deals with some aspects of the Basque definite article.
The first part is devoted to some synchronic aspects of nowadays use of the definite article, and how it can be related to data coming from different dialects, as well as how can it be fitted into a more general, cross-linguistic view of the emerging of definite articles.
The second part gives an alternative account to that found in the litterature (de Rijk 1981 and others) for some problems of the definite locative postpositional phrases in Basque.
There is also a short appendix regarding some archaic definite articles of a document of the middle ages.
The first part is devoted to some synchronic aspects of nowadays use of the definite article, and how it can be related to data coming from different dialects, as well as how can it be fitted into a more general, cross-linguistic view of the emerging of definite articles.
The second part gives an alternative account to that found in the litterature (de Rijk 1981 and others) for some problems of the definite locative postpositional phrases in Basque.
There is also a short appendix regarding some archaic definite articles of a document of the middle ages.
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Manterola.2006.Euskal_artikulu_definituaren_gainean_zenbait_ohar.pdf (557.3 Ko)
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